Morris Minor part 4

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Morris Minor part 4

Post by Wal »

Under the bonnet of the car reveals the full Guy Croft engine on twin 45s.

One unique feature is my own custom built 50mm stainless 4-2-2 system with Magnaflow main box and twin Scorpion back boxes. A rather rough and ready exhaust system but twin pipes out the back is a must and worth the small sacrifice in power.

Couple exhaust of pictures below:

I know it’s not pretty but it does the job. Part of the reason I used the 50mm tubing was because I knew I couldn’t make it quite right so compensated by using the biggest diameter tubing I could accommodate.

Soon it will be all of the above but in Volumex version, which will require a proper exhaust being made for it. The planned result brings to mind the sticker I once saw on the back of a Bugatti Veyron “Yes I Can”. Mine will be “Yes I Just Did”

What happens with this engine? Well it gets transplanted into my other Morris Minor that currently only has a standard Twin Cam in.

Hopefully you have enjoyed the brief trip round my car and it was worth the read. For me it is simply the best.

Guy Croft
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Re: Morris Minor part 4

Post by Guy Croft »

Hi Steve and your super dad (who also has a Morris-Minor TC!)

marvellous to see you both at GCRE this week and thank you very much for your respected new order for a GC VX 2 liter unit.

Loved the posts and the new Rat Look!! it's my fav tbh (hope that's not too modern for GC!)

Do tell the story of the rolling-road tests at Northants M/Sport if you get time. It really made me smile.

Thanks again for sharing the fun here,

very sincerely,

Guy Croft, owner
Spider 1969
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Re: Morris Minor part 4

Post by Spider 1969 »

Nice one; love to see more on how the engine and transmission have been installed.
Keep it up.

Best regards,
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Re: Morris Minor part 4

Post by Will01 »

I love these mad conversions. Rocket ship.
We need to see more details and pictures.
Any videos floating about?
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Re: Morris Minor part 4

Post by Wal »

Dear all,
got my GC Volumex engine and been taking out the current engine, to be re-installed in my other Morris right after this one is sorted.

Always knew that this was going to be a super tight fit and yes the carb does intrude into the wheel well. But I'm going to box it in and draw the air from the engine side.

But here it is - the first trial fit of the Volumex in the engine bay and yes it does fit (mostly) and it looks sooooooo good in there.

Engine has come back out as the cut out for the carb is a bit short (as you can see from the last picture) so that'll be fixed, and yes it is untidy so there is some tidying up to do.

So here's a few pictures of the trial fit - I came back out after I took the pictures so I can work on some of the items mentioned.

Also decided that when I do the final install to put the engine and gearbox in attached due to clearance. So dropped out the gearbox today so I can attach it all together.

Trial install 1.jpg
Trial install 1.jpg (342.52 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
Trial install 2.jpg
Trial install 2.jpg (336.96 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
Trial install 3.jpg
Trial install 3.jpg (348.79 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
Trial install 4.jpg
Trial install 4.jpg (256.77 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
Last edited by Wal on November 11th, 2019, 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Spider 1969
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Re: Morris Minor part 4

Post by Spider 1969 »

Nice, enjoy the build and keep us posted Wal!
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Re: Morris Minor part 4

Post by Wal »

Dear all,
been working away on getting the Volumex to work in the Morris space. But finally got there and also made a few other improvements at the same time.

So added a new ATB diff.
Quaife ATB.jpg
Quaife ATB.jpg (304.39 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
Upgraded the rear brakes to Cosworth discs at the rear to match the Cosworth on the front.
Rear Brakes.jpg
Rear Brakes.jpg (39.22 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
Been sorting out how the engine will fit, cutting the inner wing and building an airbox to add on. But finally this weekend it was all ready to fit. Engine and gearbox now have to go in together.
Ready to fit.jpg
Ready to fit.jpg (60.28 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
But with a lot of fettling (mostly inappropriate language) it is in and bolted up
Installed.jpg (56.24 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
Placement for airbox is now aligned and this will bolt on from the outside so I still have some access to the carb via taking the wing off rather than having to pull the whole engine and gearbox.
Ready for Airbox.jpg
Ready for Airbox.jpg (48.37 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
I know it still looks untidy and there is still a lot more to do. Got to get the cooling, fueling and oil connections sorted and then the electricals, as well as a host of small stuff before I can think about making it more presentable.

Last edited by Wal on November 11th, 2019, 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Guy Croft
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Re: Morris Minor part 4

Post by Guy Croft »

2model post"

enjoying this very much and well-done dear Steven for making it happen in your usual professional and thoughtful way..


will be the BEST IN THE WORLD

Guy Croft, owner
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Re: Morris Minor part 4

Post by Will01 »

Simple awesome and totally mad. Job well done. Great project
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Re: Morris Minor part 4

Post by Wal »

Dear all,
Well it’s been a while since an update because I’ve had a few items to try and solve, but finally I have managed to get it, mostly, sorted.
First on the agenda was a new radiator because with the supercharger and timing pulley off the crankshaft there was no longer enough room for the original radiator. I found a new alloy radiator with a top fill (which I wanted) that is narrow enough to fit inside the grille mounting. It does mean there is absolutely no room for the fan so I plan this will re-locate into the bonnet and blow down. With new mountings the radiator is on as seen below.
alloy rad.jpg
alloy rad.jpg (500.28 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
Next was the oil cooler that used to live with the radiator, but again there is no room so I boxed in the bottom of the grille for it to sit below the radiator. Unfortunately I have had to mount it with pipes down which I’d have preferred not to do but there really isn’t space for it otherwise. Below is the new oil cooler cradle
oil cooler cradle.jpg
oil cooler cradle.jpg (436.64 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
Next up was the oil cooler lines and this has been a nightmare both waiting for them to be made up – all swaged fittings with stainless steel braiding – and trying to make them actually fit in the tiny space. Fitting a remote filter, thermostatic sandwich plate with take offs to oil cooler, accusump and remote oil temp unit under the Volumex in a Morris Minor would have made my hair turn grey if it wasn’t already. I haven’t taken a picture of the 7 cooler lines linking up all those items because it looks like spaghetti junction and some of the lines have to be so short it’s almost easier to just weld the two connections together.

Whilst waiting for the new oil lines I tackled the handbrake issue. Basic problem convert a standard Morris Minor twin cable pull handbrake to a single cable loop (brake to brake) from the Sierra Cosworth. This didn’t seem too bad create some new brackets to hold the Sierra cable. Shorten the Morris cables attach them to a balance bar that would link to the loop and install a “propshaft shield” so the cable doesn’t pull up into it when engaged. New metal work was created.
braket for handbrake.jpg
braket for handbrake.jpg (629.93 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
The handbrake cable brackets (top 2) had to be extended because when I tried to mount them they impacted right on the reinforcing installed for the radius arms. The balance bar (bottom item) doesn’t have the holes drilled for the cables at this point. Shortening the Morris cables gave me a chance to develop my marine chandlery skills, which also came in useful later.
handbrake chandlery.jpg
handbrake chandlery.jpg (577.54 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
However when I installed it all only one brake operated correctly and no matter what adjustment I made I could not get one side to work correctly. So after much frustration I bit the bullet cut the single loop and created separate cable pulls, one for each brake, and further enhanced my chandlery skills. Now I know it works I am planning on getting complete cables made up.

I was also able to connect up the fuel lines with a new Filer King (glass bowl)

Finally I’d sorted the cooling and overcome the handbrake dilemma and could get the engine connected up and put the front grille back on which is where am up to today.
Engine Installed.jpg
Engine Installed.jpg (326.23 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
Front Grll.jpg
Front Grll.jpg (337.39 KiB) Viewed 56322 times

Last edited by Wal on November 11th, 2019, 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Morris Minor part 4

Post by Wal »

Dear all,
Well the problems keep coming up but progress is forwards. First off, was to sort my template, mocked up cables for the handbrake made into some proper items. Glad to say the templates were perfect and the company that made up the new cables did a great job. See below for one of the 2 new cables (now installed)
Custom Handbrake cables 2019 06 10 (1).jpg
Custom Handbrake cables 2019 06 10 (1).jpg (34.2 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
The next big thing was the electronic brain (OMEX), because I can no longer fit a distributor in any of the standard configs (block or cam drive (side or rear)). Thus the engine has a trigger wheel built into the front crankshaft drive (thanks Guy) so I can run an OMEX with coil pack. I’ve mounted the OMEX through the bulk head so the wiring is into the engine bay but I can access the config port through the passenger glove box. Using a minimum of sensors (trigger wheel, MAP, air temp, coolant temp and coil pack) it’s all wired in. I haven’t yet cut off the other sensor wires in case I decide to use them. But all the sensors and wires are run and wrapped up in sleeving, see below:
OMEX.JPG (56.65 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
One interesting piece of information I found out was the latest Weber DCOE’s have a vacuum take off that I was able to use for the MAP sensor, so no drilling manifolds for me.

Fuel lines have been plumbed, as you can see, with a filter king regulator (car is running out of space for more stuff).
omex fuel and coil pack.JPG
omex fuel and coil pack.JPG (66.68 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
With all the basics (I think) connected it was time to start to adding some fluids. First was oil, which I was worried about because of all the new oil line connections. So filled up and primed the system, via the auxiliary pulley and drill, and the only thing that leaked was one of the mechanical oil temp gauge take offs. Could I stop it – nope. So finally it’s gone and will be replaced by an electronic one. But as I already have another separate mechanical oil temp gauge in the system I can live with this compromise.

Filling up the supercharger oil reservoir proved to be a whole lot easier, though when starting from a dry build you’ve got to top it up a few times as the level sorts itself out.

Next up is water and I’ve added water wetter and paraflu, couple of leaks that needed sorting but now all good. So on with the grille.
engine  install 2019 06 15.JPG
engine install 2019 06 15.JPG (60.31 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
With all the fluids in and no more leaks I have now been able to final install the radiator and bolt the grille back on properly (in previous pictures it was just for testing). With the handbrake sorted I’ve been able to put the rear wheels back on and the car is almost ready to go back to the ground and get shipped off for the exhaust build.
car side 2019 06 15.JPG
car side 2019 06 15.JPG (55.36 KiB) Viewed 56322 times
Couple of remaining items – little tidy up inside, reconnect the lights, re-install the front wing and check that the throttle opens fully. This has to be done by pressing the pedal to the floor and checking that you are getting full opening down the carb barrel. You cannot check it by pushing the throttle linkage down to see it opens fully. I learnt this from a rolling road experience some many years back.

Also do not use a rolling road just because it is convenient apply the question that was put to me afterwards, “how much is your engine worth to you?”

Fortunately the experience was chastening but not expensive – but it could have been.

Having taken possession of my, then new, GC engine I was advised where to take my car to get it set up once installed. But I decided it was too far and looked locally, for convenience only, at various nearby rolling roads. Surely all rolling roads are the same – they are not.

I checked out their feedback which was fine but should have noted that everything they did was modern and probably have driven away when the guy looked at the engine and remarked “haven’t seen one of those for years – it’s got carbs” or something similar.

Leaving the car I went away and came back a couple of hours later, again leaving the car with an unknown vendor was probably naive. However, the biggest shock on returning was the results – 130 HP. Followed by “that’s pretty good for one of those engines” and “Oh yes we replaced your race plugs”. At this point the penny dropped and I asked for my race plugs back and took the car away. Fortunately they hadn’t changed a whole lot more.
To say I was massively disappointed in the results was an understatement and could only assume there was something wrong with the engine.

Then came back the advice above “how much is your engine worth to you?”

Finally taking this on board I decided to take it to Northampton Motorsport to hopefully figure out what was wrong. Fortunately the major issue turned out to be the very simple lesson above and the very first thing first thing Northampton did – “your throttle is not fully opening so you are not getting full power”. The final results where closer to 180 BHP.

I must be absolutely clear that I do not make judgement on the ability of the original service as they probably got quite a reasonable amount of power from the restricted throttle. I provide this story as a reflection on my choice and how I made it purely for convenience and taught me this simple lesson about how to check for full throttle.

Completing the final checks, tidy ups and tests hopefully the next big thing will be getting the exhaust built and, oddly enough, from the story above I’m going to take it to the person I was advised to take too and not the bod down the road my mate knows.

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Re: Morris Minor part 4

Post by Wal »

Dear all,
It’s taken alot longer than I had hoped but the new exhaust is built and you can see it fitted to the car in the pictures below. These are just before it was removed to be sent for Zircotec coating to reduce heat.

The header with 32” primaries
header.JPG (56.76 KiB) Viewed 56321 times
The collector – should allow me to have warm feet
Collector.JPG (49.28 KiB) Viewed 56321 times
The exhaust and boxes
Exhaust.JPG (60.22 KiB) Viewed 56321 times
Whilst I’ve been waiting for my Morris to come back I’ve been fitting a V8 to an MGB just to keep myself out of trouble. Just can't wait to get the Morris back, run it in and really try it out.

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Re: Morris Minor part 4

Post by Wal »

After a number of false starts including a blocked fuel line and a leak on the inlet manifold, I have finally got my new Volumex engine tuned on the rolling road.

The results are a little bit mixed with some good results but just a tinge of disappointment that the engine fell quite short of the 200hp barrier.

So first is the initial run (black line) vs the final run (red line), achieving just over 182hp at around 6500rpm. This was somewhat short of the 200hp that I had been hoping to achieve. Interestingly, and against the established practice, the first run was on 28mm chokes and by the final run we were on 34mm chokes as the car wouldn’t respond on the 28mm chokes at the higher revs. Though you will notice it does “bog down” below 2500rpm. This was after multiple changes and tweaks. It is also running quite big fuel jets at 215 mains. What is satisfying is the torque curve, which as expected with a supercharged engine, starts at 150lb-ft peaks at 165.9lb-ft basically doesn’t drop below 150lb-ft.
RR Map 1.png
RR Map 1.png (1.15 MiB) Viewed 49400 times
The second map shows the true advantage of the supercharged engine over the normally aspirated. We have the initial run (black line) and final run (blue line), as before, but this time the red line represents my previous GC engine that was normally aspirated running twin 45 DCOEs. As you can see the power is just so much more available from the start and all the way through the rev range.
RR Map 2.png
RR Map 2.png (1.18 MiB) Viewed 49400 times
The result is still an incredibly quick Morris Minor and awesome acceleration thanks to the high torque, but not quite the final power I was hoping.

So some anomalies, such as why the need for the bigger chokes when GC always recommended smaller chokes.

Do I look for the extra HP? Could get a smaller drive wheel for the supercharger and spin it faster. There could be some problems in the drivetrain as I know the gearbox has some damage from a previous incident. Alternatively the engine is still very new so it might benefit from further running. Another possibility is the supercharger (although rebuilt) is falling a little short.

Unfortunately as I can no longer ask Guy I’m just going to run the car and enjoy it for a while.

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