Ford Capri Mk3 Track/Race Car Project

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Ford Capri Mk3 Track/Race Car Project

Post by Will01 »

Hello Guys
Just thought i would share a few photos of my Track/Race car build.
I know it doesn't look like much now but give it a year maybe two and it should look great and drive fantastically.
Front end was re-sprayed by previous owner, however this will eventually be repainted. Front end is remarkably good shape
Front end was re-sprayed by previous owner, however this will eventually be repainted. Front end is remarkably good shape
New Capri 1.jpg (44.04 KiB) Viewed 83639 times
A few dents up the side which will be sorted in time, otherwise looks straight and no horrible signs of rot
A few dents up the side which will be sorted in time, otherwise looks straight and no horrible signs of rot
New Capri 2.jpg (45.17 KiB) Viewed 83639 times
I think someone used this car to practice spraying different colours, but still the shell is in good solid condition. Areas of rust visible in rear lower quarters, however new panels are ready to go on.
I think someone used this car to practice spraying different colours, but still the shell is in good solid condition. Areas of rust visible in rear lower quarters, however new panels are ready to go on.
New Capri 3.jpg (22.11 KiB) Viewed 83639 times
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Re: Ford Capri Mk3 Track/Race Car Project

Post by Will01 »

Just to give an idea of colour chosen by my wife to re-spray the car. I really do like the retro spray-job.
Chosen by wife to go for retro look. Signal Yellow (since we have lots lying around at home) with Black Bonnet
Chosen by wife to go for retro look. Signal Yellow (since we have lots lying around at home) with Black Bonnet
capriyellow+black.jpg (75.37 KiB) Viewed 83638 times
Guy Croft
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Re: Ford Capri Mk3 Track/Race Car Project

Post by Guy Croft »

Nice to see it here Will!

I like the color scheme, yes retro indeed

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Re: Ford Capri Mk3 Track/Race Car Project

Post by Will01 »

Thanks Guy, I sure I will be posting a lot over the Christmas Holidays with shell repair and prep work. I spending my lunchtime at work furiously trying to work out what to splash.the cash on :). Take it easy. Will
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Re: Ford Capri Mk3 Track/Race Car Project

Post by Guy Croft »

Don't spend too long making her pretty.

Where & how you plan to race she will get smashed to bits!

(and don't even think about telling me it's 'no-contact racing'....!)

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Re: Ford Capri Mk3 Track/Race Car Project

Post by Will01 »

Don't worry Guy I just want her to clean & tidy, not really into cosmetically perfect cars. I sure battle scars are inevitable.
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Re: Ford Capri Mk3 Track/Race Car Project

Post by Will01 »

Ok so i found a few more pictures i just thought i would update of the not so great areas which i have to sort.
So the shell needs some work before i start fettling it but really i have tackled alot worse.
only a dent, so a quick clean up of the filler and pull out with dent puller
only a dent, so a quick clean up of the filler and pull out with dent puller
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drivers side rear lower quarter before cutting out the poor
drivers side rear lower quarter before cutting out the poor
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passengers side rear lower quarter before cutting out the poor
passengers side rear lower quarter before cutting out the poor
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a little rusty bit inside front passenger wing, unfortunately this will involve removal of wing, but i may take the time to make sure the wings can bolt on/off for ease of access when racing. possibly even fit fibreglass front wings??
a little rusty bit inside front passenger wing, unfortunately this will involve removal of wing, but i may take the time to make sure the wings can bolt on/off for ease of access when racing. possibly even fit fibreglass front wings??
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a rather un-welcome find when i got under the car, thankfully i have a panel on order and this complete chassis skid will be removed and replaced
a rather un-welcome find when i got under the car, thankfully i have a panel on order and this complete chassis skid will be removed and replaced
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the worst part of the whole car, it is solid but it is a really poor job who ever done it. it has however never been driven on the road whilst it has had this repair, so hopefully it is not too bad when i cut it off. i already have new sill ready to go
the worst part of the whole car, it is solid but it is a really poor job who ever done it. it has however never been driven on the road whilst it has had this repair, so hopefully it is not too bad when i cut it off. i already have new sill ready to go
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Headlamp bowls in good condition, this is where they normally rot out, so this is good news.
Headlamp bowls in good condition, this is where they normally rot out, so this is good news.
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part of engine bay also looking in very food condition
part of engine bay also looking in very food condition
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Guy Croft
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Re: Ford Capri Mk3 Track/Race Car Project

Post by Guy Croft »



Don't we all hate rust!!

Guy Croft, owner
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Re: Ford Capri Mk3 Track/Race Car Project

Post by Will01 »

Its not that bad Guy, you should have seen the one i scrapped a few weeks back it was completely rotten. I have saved much worse.
On my Dads E-Type we had to completely cut all the front and rear floors, but it is now looking good.
I will update with a few more pictures after weekend working.
Take it easy
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Re: Ford Capri Mk3 Track/Race Car Project

Post by Will01 »

I thought i would post a bad picture of rust on my old Capri. I also included a picture of the car going to Heaven, but it is not all bad news as i now have a garage full of spares.
Old Capri Chassis rot, hence why bought new shell
Old Capri Chassis rot, hence why bought new shell
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Rotten shell off to the crusher, it was too far gone and it is safer to have off the road.
Rotten shell off to the crusher, it was too far gone and it is safer to have off the road.
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Re: Ford Capri Mk3 Track/Race Car Project

Post by Will01 »

Whilst it was really cold over the weekend i managed to get to work on the sound deadening on the scuttle panel. This is the best time of year for this as it goes brittle in the cold weather, which happily makes it a little easier to remove.
I will be collecting all of this so i can weigh in to see how much weight has been saved.
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Eventually will be cleaned up and primed so as to prevent any surface rust forming.
Eventually will be cleaned up and primed so as to prevent any surface rust forming.
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Re: Ford Capri Mk3 Track/Race Car Project

Post by Will01 »

I thought i would also take the time to show off a bargain find, which will be very useful when the new larger brakes are installed. I picked up these 3 piece Compomotive Lightweight Alloys in 15" really cheap which came off a Porsche 924.
They have the correct PCD for the Capri, i will just have to machine out the centre slightly to match the hub.
Then these will be painted up by my Father and Wife in good old classic Ford colour's. Silver/Black.
Great thing about these wheels is that i can fit narrower or wider rims to these by just replacing the outers, so i will be able to customise these to get through Racing Regulations.
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The person i bought them off has had them bead blasted, but then set about painting the front ones with Hammerite? Will eventually be finished with Silver Outer, Black Inner with silver highlighting.
The person i bought them off has had them bead blasted, but then set about painting the front ones with Hammerite? Will eventually be finished with Silver Outer, Black Inner with silver highlighting.
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Front rim width
Front rim width
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Rear rim width
Rear rim width
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Re: Ford Capri Mk3 Track/Race Car Project

Post by Will01 »

Whilst i have been out in the garages i have also been very busy cleaning up some of the old parts that came off the Scrapped white Capri.
Trying to get these ready for paint with using various grinders, i am sure my lungs are full of rust and dust. So in order to help my health i think i will be investing in a bead blasting cabinet and extend side so i can fit some large parts in it.

I have since decided that this car will be built in two stages of build.
Stage1 will be to get car back on the road with only minor track modifications e.g. PU bushes and upgraded suspension and roll cage. I will try to enjoy it for a short period of time whilst i build up funds for full Race build.
Stage2 will be full race car prep for Class C in Scottish Classics, this will feature a very extensive list of modifications, details to follow in distant future.
Steering Rack cleaned up ready for fresh paint. This will be fitted back to the car as standard with PU bush mounts.
Steering Rack cleaned up ready for fresh paint. This will be fitted back to the car as standard with PU bush mounts.
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Rear axle and suspension taken off scrap Capri
Rear axle and suspension taken off scrap Capri
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Rear axle on the bench being stripped ready for reconditioning.
Rear axle on the bench being stripped ready for reconditioning.
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Lower Engine cross-member also being stripped down ready for reconditioning, repair and upgrading.
Lower Engine cross-member also being stripped down ready for reconditioning, repair and upgrading.
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2.0 Pinto Engine now in Engine Stand in garage, only minor modifications will be made for Stage 1. The engine will be last thing to upgrade in this build
2.0 Pinto Engine now in Engine Stand in garage, only minor modifications will be made for Stage 1. The engine will be last thing to upgrade in this build
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Re: Ford Capri Mk3 Track/Race Car Project

Post by Will01 »

Last but not least for today i thought i would also update on situation of Rust treatment, i have already started to remove body panels which will be replaced and repaired.
Inner and outer panels will be replaced fully in lower rear corners
Inner and outer panels will be replaced fully in lower rear corners
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i have decided to replace sills whilst i am at this stage of repair
i have decided to replace sills whilst i am at this stage of repair
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Also decided to replace outer arch as well, as i am going for a relative good quality of finish so the car at least looks presentable
Also decided to replace outer arch as well, as i am going for a relative good quality of finish so the car at least looks presentable
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Removed side trim from car as it adds unnecessary weight, car also looks less cluttered
Removed side trim from car as it adds unnecessary weight, car also looks less cluttered
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Guy Croft
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Re: Ford Capri Mk3 Track/Race Car Project

Post by Guy Croft »


I do like these step-by-step resto/build features - and I am under no illusion as to how long it takes to write them up, so thanks Will!

Guy Croft, owner
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